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P4OO.Client / P4OO.Workspace#

P4OOClient dataclass #

Bases: _P4OOSpecObj

Perforce Client Spec Object

id Required: No

Forcible: Yes


Name Type Description
client str

Name of the client

owner P4OOUser

User that created the client spec

description str

Description field

host str

Name of the host where this client root exists

root str

Root directory on where client exists

altroots str

Alternate directories to locate root

options str

Client options (see Command Reference for details)

submitoptions str

How submit should handle unchanged files

lineend str

[local|unix|mac|win|share] CRLF handling

view str

View spec mappings

update datetime

Time of last update to the spec

access datetime

Time of last access of the spec

See Also

Perforce Helix Core Command Reference:

addFiles(*fileSpec, **kwargs) #

Add the specified files as new

deleteWithVengeance() #

Performs all operations necessary to remove a client.

  • Remove host attribute
  • Remove all pending changelists
  • Remove client spec


Type Description

Result from _P4OOSpecObj.deleteSpec()

See Also

Perforce Helix Core Knowledge Base:

editFiles(*fileSpec, **kwargs) #

Open the specified files for edit

getChanges(status=None) #

Find all changes this client "has" sync'd

getLatestChange() #

find the latest change this client "has"

getOpenedFiles(user=None) #

Return a P4OOFileSet of files opened in this client.

reopenFiles() #

Reopen all opened files in this client to be owned by the current user

  • First removes host attribute from client spec if specified


Type Description

Output returned from _P4OOBase._runCommand('reopen')

See Also

Perforce Helix Core Command Reference:

revertOpenedFiles() #

Revert all opened files in this client

  • First reopens all files to be owned by the current user


Type Description

Output returned from _P4OOBase._runCommand('revert')

See Also

Perforce Helix Core Command Reference:

submitChange(*fileSpec, **kwargs) #

Add the specified files as new

sync(*fileSpec, **kwargs) #

Sync the client (p4 sync) using the optional supplied fileSpec(s)

P4OOClientSet dataclass #

Bases: _P4OOSet

P4OOSet of P4OOClient objects

query(user=None, maxresults=None, namefilter=None, **kwargs) #

Executes p4 clients query


Name Type Description Default
user P4OOUser | str

The user that created the change

maxresults int

Return only the first [max] results

namefilter str

Case-sensitive filter on client name



Type Description

P4OOSet of P4OOClient objects matching query parameters

See Also

Perforce Helix Core Command Reference:

P4OOWorkspace #

Bases: P4OOClient

P4OOWorkspace is just a pseudonym for P4OOClient.

P4OOWorkspaceSet #

Bases: P4OOClientSet

P4OOWorkspaceSet is just a pseudonym for P4OOClientSet.